Now that I have finished my 30 before 30 list I am ready to do my New Years Resolution.
1. Continue the running/workout schedule that I have been pretty good about in 2007.
2. Learn to not obsess about things like the house being perfect at all time. I spend to much time doing unimportant things instead of the things I enjoy(you following me?)
3. Work on my 30 before 30 list. This kinda goes without saying but there are specific things I want to cross off in 2008. School, Fitness Certification, some of the trips are things that need to be taken care of in 08!
4. Find a babysitter and begin regular dates with Chris. Yes this was also listed before but needs to be repeated. The biggest part of this is finding a babysitter. Something I have always found very difficult. Could this mean I need to be more involved? Yes!
5. Get a new Car! I have payed off this one, drove it and drove it some more. I want a new one! Like an XTerra!
6. Do not light up!- That means do not slip back into smoking. Its not worth it, I have come to far!
7. Blog more. I want to do more creative writing, and push myself. I enjoy it and do not understand why I have such trouble doing it. I am going to keep a list of ideas and topics to inspire me in writing.
8. The little things. I want to be aware of them. Write them down. Journal them. My kids do special things all the time, my family has special moments. I want to remember them!
9. Continue paying off my debt. I am almost there and I love the feeling. If I can keep with it, This could be done by May!
10. Cook-Sounds simple, but I have let myself believe it is a chore and I do not enjoy it. I used to enjoy it. I want to find away to get back to it.
Monday, December 31, 2007
30 Things before I turn 30
Now I have been thinking about this list for a long time. I don't feel like I have enough time to get it all done, but maybe just writing out the goals will help me work towards them. So with only 20 months to go before I turn 30, here is my list. I hope to cross each one off, write about it here, and if I am not able to get something done I hope to have a plan in place to help me achieve it as soon as possible. Oh and these are in no particular order, just how they came out of my head.
1. Go abroad-There are plans for this in fall of 08. DH and I are planning a trip to Italy!
2. Learn the basics for said country-again, I have set the wheels in motion for this, but now its time to actually read the books and listen to the tapes.
3. Go back to school and work on finishing up my general studies- I am shooting for Fall here.
4. Catch up on all things scrapbooking-This means all previous years, specialty albums, childhood albums, etc. I want to be working on current years only. I am so tired of the worry that these other things will never get done.
5. Continue my running-This sounds like more of a new years resolution, but really it should be a life long decision to remain active and in shape.
6. Run a marathon- This is my goal, I have run a 10k, I want to do a 1/2 in 2008, and the plan is to do the AZ Rock in Roll Marathon in January 2009.
7. Work on group fitness certification-This is seperate from going back to school. This is a field certification that can be obtained with a little studying and testing. Then I can go and teach in a gym. I would like to do group fitness/spinning/possibly yoga
8. Take my husband to Half Moon Bay, CA- He has never seen this beautiful place and I wish to take him there and drive down Hwy 1, hopefully in the fall. Stop at the little pumpkin festivals along the way, taking our time and enjoying all that this route has to offer.
9. Go to San Franciso-This could technically be done on the same trip as Half Moon Bay, but who knows, I love California so much I may want to break up the trips.
10. Visit Big Sky Country- Maybe even ski! We will see. I have a friend who lives up there and so does Chris. So It would be great to go to this area that I have never seen and be around friends as well.
11. Buy a mountain Bike- There are alot of races and fun things to explore if I could get into this hobby.
12. Go Kayacking- I live in AZ for goodness sake, there is so much to see and explore. By water, land or air!
13. Learn what it takes to be the house that is the kid friendly house-You know what I mean, I want the kids and their friends to want to be at my house. There are multiple reasons for this. For one, I am always in contact with my kids and know what they are into, and I wish to build a relationship with my kids that is close and open.
14. Get a dog- I do not have any pets, my cat is now living with my parents(long story) but I wish to have a dog. I want a small one, Chris a big one. So we are comprimising and getting a small dog. LOL. Actually I told him that when we knew his schedule better and would stay in a house longer than a few months then yes he could get a bigger dog. But for now , I have my name on the list for a morkie(Maltese/Yorkie).
15. Set up a fish tank..........again. Chris wants salt water which I am okay with, but here again....we need to stay in one place for awhile!
16. Do a fun/run/walk/ with the kids for a good cause
17. Sky Dive- Not by myself. No thanks, with someone attached to me and I think Chris will join
18. Continue paying off Debt- including student loans
19. Spend a anniversary together with my husband-This has not happened for us in 6 years! We have only been married 7!
20. Get into the habit of a girls night out-Seriously Laura, when I get home, seriously!!! I miss you--Oh and side note to this, we are going to get tickets to see Wicked and hopefully Mama Mia again!
21. Go on regular dates with my husband- No we have never done this. I need a babysitter!
22. Get in the car and drive somewhere for the weekend-no plans, no direction, just go!
23. Attend a SS retreat
24. Better yet, host a SS retreat-There is a ton of us in AZ and CA....its doable!
25. See Jimmy Buffett in concert....again-Now I know technically I have already done this..3 times but it just gets better and better and I hope in the next 2 years I can do it again!
26.Wine taste in California- I would love to go and stay at a vineyard and do this!
27. Ride a motorcycle- Yes I have done this, but it has been a really long time. Chris wants one so maybe it will be his I am riding!
28. Get another tattoo-I want one on the wrist or neck and I want it to be celtic in design with Chris name entwined in it.
29. Go back to Mexico- Hopefully with someone that knows it better!- Ivan and Krysten I am counting on you guys for this. I would love to see all those things I saw pictures of!
30. Vegas Baby!-- for more than 24 hours. This is the key factor. I got no sleep last time because we tried to squeeze it all in in such a short time frame. Also included in this trip is a shocking show(more shocking than Wayne Newton!) Chris and I are thinking of that Vampire Kiss show....I wonder if it is still playing.
Okay , there they are! Here is to crossing these off !
1. Go abroad-There are plans for this in fall of 08. DH and I are planning a trip to Italy!
2. Learn the basics for said country-again, I have set the wheels in motion for this, but now its time to actually read the books and listen to the tapes.
3. Go back to school and work on finishing up my general studies- I am shooting for Fall here.
4. Catch up on all things scrapbooking-This means all previous years, specialty albums, childhood albums, etc. I want to be working on current years only. I am so tired of the worry that these other things will never get done.
5. Continue my running-This sounds like more of a new years resolution, but really it should be a life long decision to remain active and in shape.
6. Run a marathon- This is my goal, I have run a 10k, I want to do a 1/2 in 2008, and the plan is to do the AZ Rock in Roll Marathon in January 2009.
7. Work on group fitness certification-This is seperate from going back to school. This is a field certification that can be obtained with a little studying and testing. Then I can go and teach in a gym. I would like to do group fitness/spinning/possibly yoga
8. Take my husband to Half Moon Bay, CA- He has never seen this beautiful place and I wish to take him there and drive down Hwy 1, hopefully in the fall. Stop at the little pumpkin festivals along the way, taking our time and enjoying all that this route has to offer.
9. Go to San Franciso-This could technically be done on the same trip as Half Moon Bay, but who knows, I love California so much I may want to break up the trips.
10. Visit Big Sky Country- Maybe even ski! We will see. I have a friend who lives up there and so does Chris. So It would be great to go to this area that I have never seen and be around friends as well.
11. Buy a mountain Bike- There are alot of races and fun things to explore if I could get into this hobby.
12. Go Kayacking- I live in AZ for goodness sake, there is so much to see and explore. By water, land or air!
13. Learn what it takes to be the house that is the kid friendly house-You know what I mean, I want the kids and their friends to want to be at my house. There are multiple reasons for this. For one, I am always in contact with my kids and know what they are into, and I wish to build a relationship with my kids that is close and open.
14. Get a dog- I do not have any pets, my cat is now living with my parents(long story) but I wish to have a dog. I want a small one, Chris a big one. So we are comprimising and getting a small dog. LOL. Actually I told him that when we knew his schedule better and would stay in a house longer than a few months then yes he could get a bigger dog. But for now , I have my name on the list for a morkie(Maltese/Yorkie).
15. Set up a fish tank..........again. Chris wants salt water which I am okay with, but here again....we need to stay in one place for awhile!
16. Do a fun/run/walk/ with the kids for a good cause
17. Sky Dive- Not by myself. No thanks, with someone attached to me and I think Chris will join
18. Continue paying off Debt- including student loans
19. Spend a anniversary together with my husband-This has not happened for us in 6 years! We have only been married 7!
20. Get into the habit of a girls night out-Seriously Laura, when I get home, seriously!!! I miss you--Oh and side note to this, we are going to get tickets to see Wicked and hopefully Mama Mia again!
21. Go on regular dates with my husband- No we have never done this. I need a babysitter!
22. Get in the car and drive somewhere for the weekend-no plans, no direction, just go!
23. Attend a SS retreat
24. Better yet, host a SS retreat-There is a ton of us in AZ and CA....its doable!
25. See Jimmy Buffett in concert....again-Now I know technically I have already done this..3 times but it just gets better and better and I hope in the next 2 years I can do it again!
26.Wine taste in California- I would love to go and stay at a vineyard and do this!
27. Ride a motorcycle- Yes I have done this, but it has been a really long time. Chris wants one so maybe it will be his I am riding!
28. Get another tattoo-I want one on the wrist or neck and I want it to be celtic in design with Chris name entwined in it.
29. Go back to Mexico- Hopefully with someone that knows it better!- Ivan and Krysten I am counting on you guys for this. I would love to see all those things I saw pictures of!
30. Vegas Baby!-- for more than 24 hours. This is the key factor. I got no sleep last time because we tried to squeeze it all in in such a short time frame. Also included in this trip is a shocking show(more shocking than Wayne Newton!) Chris and I are thinking of that Vampire Kiss show....I wonder if it is still playing.
Okay , there they are! Here is to crossing these off !
Sunday, December 30, 2007
More charms I have been working on
These are all my charms I have been working on for different jewelry swaps. I really wanted to branch out and start really altering things. I am quite proud of the bingo charm. The others were more simple and had set themes. Two of these charms are wine charms. I am excited to be doing a swap like this. Mainly because I am always in need of these little wine charms. The charm with the shells is for a Margarita swap. I love this charm but I may think twice before working with shells again!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Chris' Christmas Greeting
I am adding it here. I wanted to take it off myspace but needed to save it somewhere. I was so lucky to find these soldier greetings online because there was no way I would see it on the tv. Chris cracks me up in this video , he was so nervous. But I am very lucky to have it.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Info about me(Thanks Krysten)
Four Things You May or May Not Know About Me
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1.Store Manager at Movie Gallery in Alabama
2. Waitress- Macoroni Grill in Montgomery, AL
3. 1-800-Fly(something), booking flights -Tampa, FL
4. Education Coordinator for Joanns Fabric Store-Phoenix, AZ
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice(does not matter which version)
2. Office Space
3. Christmas VAcation (it does not have to be Christmas)
4. Ella Enchanted
Four places I have lived:
1. Tampa, FL
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Prescott, AZ
4. Troy, AL
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Moonlight
3. Blood Ties
4. American Idol
Four places I have been:
1. Outer BAnks, NC
2. Casa de Fruta, Half moon Bay, CA
3. Rocky Point , Mexico
4. Treasure Island, FL
People who email me regularly:
1. Chris
2. Laura
3. Tavia
4. Kylene
Four of my favorite foods:
1. pecan divinity
2. grilled zucchinni marinated in queen creek olive oil
3. R&R pizza with Ranch!(right laura)
4. Coffee....okay technically not food, but Love, Love, Love coffee
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Arizona
2. California
3. the beach
4. With Chris.....I don't care where!
Things I am looking forward to this year
1. Chris coming home from deployment
2. Moving home to Arizona
3. Going to Italy in November
4. Going to Vegas with Chris
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1.Store Manager at Movie Gallery in Alabama
2. Waitress- Macoroni Grill in Montgomery, AL
3. 1-800-Fly(something), booking flights -Tampa, FL
4. Education Coordinator for Joanns Fabric Store-Phoenix, AZ
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice(does not matter which version)
2. Office Space
3. Christmas VAcation (it does not have to be Christmas)
4. Ella Enchanted
Four places I have lived:
1. Tampa, FL
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Prescott, AZ
4. Troy, AL
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Moonlight
3. Blood Ties
4. American Idol
Four places I have been:
1. Outer BAnks, NC
2. Casa de Fruta, Half moon Bay, CA
3. Rocky Point , Mexico
4. Treasure Island, FL
People who email me regularly:
1. Chris
2. Laura
3. Tavia
4. Kylene
Four of my favorite foods:
1. pecan divinity
2. grilled zucchinni marinated in queen creek olive oil
3. R&R pizza with Ranch!(right laura)
4. Coffee....okay technically not food, but Love, Love, Love coffee
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Arizona
2. California
3. the beach
4. With Chris.....I don't care where!
Things I am looking forward to this year
1. Chris coming home from deployment
2. Moving home to Arizona
3. Going to Italy in November
4. Going to Vegas with Chris
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Passing the time
One thing I have been doing to pass the time is embarking on a new hobby! I have gotten into the world of jewelry charm swapping. Don't know what this is, just Google. It is awesome. I was involved in the very first one done on Scrapshare and now have 4 more going! The first one is a Christmas Charm Bracelet. 25 unique charms made by ladies on SS. I can't wait to get working on my others. They are due after the 1st of the year. This time I even doing wine charms. Now I have never been able to get myself involved in swapping online(scrapbooking) but this....well I am hooked. And hey, its makes those days go by fast!
99 Bottles of Beer on the wall .....I mean until DH comes home!
I just took the 100 day tag off of our "Countdown until Daddy comes home" wall hanging. I can't believe what an impact it had on me. I have been so BAH HUMBUG this entire holiday season. I still have a week and a half to go. I have always loved Christmas, but it holds nothing for me this year. I just want it to come and go. My daugter turns 4 on Christmas Eve and my son recently turned 7. Where did this year go. I think back on it and it all feels so surreal. Like I watching a movie. I don't know how my life will be when he returns but I hope I can wake up from this way of living. I don't want everything to pass by and not live each day the way I should. I know I have to find away to exist when he is gone. It not going to be the last time I have to endure something like this. I am glad that I can now see a light at the end of this tunnel. Double Digits. He will be here before I know it. I can not wait to have our family back together.
Monday, October 15, 2007
My 10 year class reunion if you could call it that! (the reason why the previous post was so appropriate!)
This weekend was the weekend I had anticipated for a while now. I have no idea why. Why was I so concerned over what I looked like, or who showed up. I was not alone. I went with a couple girlfriends and we had a decent time, mostly together. We all had the same worries. You should have seen us getting out of the car. They had a table set up with name tags and our senior pic. Yeah! I did not RSVP so I did not have one! Woohoo!(My senior pic was horrible!) We walk in and there was maybe 25 classmates there. We all kind of stood around not wanting to make the first move. Some girls started walking around. These girls were the ones that never spoke a day in their high school career to me. " We are walking around breaking up the little clicks so we all can get to know each other" Insert my mouth dropping here! I thought why did they not do that 10 years ago. Well we all took turns answering the " what have you been doing for 10 years" question. Thank God for wine! Well soon most everyone had dissapeared and went in the house to watch the football game. Yes you read that right. The reunion was at a lakehouse about 45 minutes from where we graduated. It was set up nice with a lighted tent right on the water. There was great food, a radio for entertainment( I know laughing now). Those that stayed out at the tent seem to have a decent time. About 9:30 pm the game ended and those that were inside came out and started cleaning up our plates and drinks and pulled up the table cloths. " Oh, so and so is leaving and these are her table cloths." It was so tacky. Some people never change. Not that I expected them to. Well what was left of the group, gathered around the fire and had a great time catching up. That was the best part. I am glad I went. I am glad it over though. I am glad that I was one of the ones that showed despite how I felt about it. There were so many (that we knew) that came up with such lame excuses for not being there. It was just fear. Well there was nothing to fear and nothing to be worried about. My motto lately fits so appropriately here: " In the end,so much of it does not seem to matter" Here is a pic of the georgeous girls I went with this weekend! I am the blonde.
(Blog Challenge) Senior Moments~ This is so appropriate!
Our assignment is to reach back to our senior year (1997) and answer the following questions.
1. Who was your best friend? Liz, Stacey
2. Did you play any sports? Nope
3. What kind of car did you drive? I mostly just rode with friends. I did sometimes use my parents but I did not have my own car.
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? Hanging out with friends. Occsionally we would go to football games.
5. Were you a party animal? uh, yes!
6. Were you considered a flirt? I doubt it
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir? chorus
8. Were you a nerd? no, I just kinda blended in, I think
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled? no.
10. Can you sing the fight song? no
11. Who was your favorite teacher? 1st period English-Mrs. Daniels. She totally ignored that we were always late and came in with a cloud of smoke!
12. What was your school mascot? Raiders
13. Did you go to the Prom? Yes, it sucked
14. If you could go back, would you? No way!
15. What do you remember most about graduation? That is was not memorable!
16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? I do not remember
17. Did you have a job your senior year? yes, Paradise Video
18. Where did you go most often for lunch? The cafeteria
19. Have you gained weight since then? No, I think I look better!
20. What did you do after high school? spent a year without direction, went to Troy State, met my husband, moved to FL after he graduated, got married, had a son.
1. Who was your best friend? Liz, Stacey
2. Did you play any sports? Nope
3. What kind of car did you drive? I mostly just rode with friends. I did sometimes use my parents but I did not have my own car.
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? Hanging out with friends. Occsionally we would go to football games.
5. Were you a party animal? uh, yes!
6. Were you considered a flirt? I doubt it
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir? chorus
8. Were you a nerd? no, I just kinda blended in, I think
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled? no.
10. Can you sing the fight song? no
11. Who was your favorite teacher? 1st period English-Mrs. Daniels. She totally ignored that we were always late and came in with a cloud of smoke!
12. What was your school mascot? Raiders
13. Did you go to the Prom? Yes, it sucked
14. If you could go back, would you? No way!
15. What do you remember most about graduation? That is was not memorable!
16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? I do not remember
17. Did you have a job your senior year? yes, Paradise Video
18. Where did you go most often for lunch? The cafeteria
19. Have you gained weight since then? No, I think I look better!
20. What did you do after high school? spent a year without direction, went to Troy State, met my husband, moved to FL after he graduated, got married, had a son.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
In his absence.
You know the little things you don't really pay attention to when someone is always there. Well, as the months go by I am beginning to notice them, or is it forget? Last night I turned out my light(it was really late) my daughter came in and crawled in bed with me. She was so warm, and she curled up right against my back. Back to back we slept. I don't mind her sleeping with me, sometimes it helps. Chris is one of the guys he likes to curl around me and hold me as tight as possible for the whole of the night. Usually I wake up in a sweat and feeling a little confined. Now don't get me wrong , I love to sleep with his arms around me, but you know how warm men tend to be when they sleep! Although I would gladly suffer through the sauna to feel it again. It has been so long. He has been gone now 7 months. Yes we saw him in March, but time was so short and limited. I will not feel those arms wrapped around me for another 5 months. I really underestimated the value of human touch. Yes my kids hug me and crawl in bed with me, and snuggle, but it is not the same as him. I miss him. Last night as my daughter snuggled back to back with me, I closed my eyes, pushed the tears back, and tried to remember.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
2 Things
thought I would add this here since I have not posted in awhile. Thanks to Basketlady on Scrapshare!
Two names you go by:
1. Mom
2. Bry
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. a black shirt
2. capris
Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. respect
2. laughter/fun
Two things you like to do:
1. go out with friends
2. scrapbook
Two things you want really bad right now:
1. DH!
2. nap
Two things you did last night:
1. surfed internet
2. read
Two things you ate today:
1. hot wings
2. banana chips
Two people you last talked to:
1. a friend
2. DD
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. running
2. ?
Two longest car rides:
1. AL-AZ
2. vice versa
Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. halloween
Two favorite beverages:
1. rum and fresca
2. water
Two things about me that you may not have known:
1. I have my tongue peirced
2. I love sailboats/sailing
Two jobs I have had in my life:
1. lifeguard
2. waitress
Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Christmas Vacation
Places I have lived:
1. Alabama
2. Arizona
Two of my favorite foods:
1. any and all seafood
2. Loaded baked Potatoe(preferably from Big Bob Gibsons!)
thought I would add this here since I have not posted in awhile. Thanks to Basketlady on Scrapshare!
Two names you go by:
1. Mom
2. Bry
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. a black shirt
2. capris
Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. respect
2. laughter/fun
Two things you like to do:
1. go out with friends
2. scrapbook
Two things you want really bad right now:
1. DH!
2. nap
Two things you did last night:
1. surfed internet
2. read
Two things you ate today:
1. hot wings
2. banana chips
Two people you last talked to:
1. a friend
2. DD
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. running
2. ?
Two longest car rides:
1. AL-AZ
2. vice versa
Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. halloween
Two favorite beverages:
1. rum and fresca
2. water
Two things about me that you may not have known:
1. I have my tongue peirced
2. I love sailboats/sailing
Two jobs I have had in my life:
1. lifeguard
2. waitress
Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Christmas Vacation
Places I have lived:
1. Alabama
2. Arizona
Two of my favorite foods:
1. any and all seafood
2. Loaded baked Potatoe(preferably from Big Bob Gibsons!)
Friday, July 06, 2007
trying to reason with the 6th month mark
Today is 6 months ago. It was January 6th when Chris got on that plane and headed to Ft. Bragg. Yes, I know I got to see him for a brief time in March. But it is not the same as being together, as a family, at home. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed and it still seems like so much is left to endure. 9 more months to be exact. I will get him for 2 short weeks in January. But even that is 7 more months away. I am so down tonight. I have been looking at the pictures of that morning he left, with a little help from some white zinfandel. Just looking at those pictures and the expressions on our faces is heartbreaking. I remember thinking "this is not happening". Can I just close my eyes and wish it all away. It was like watching a movie but I was the main character. Every part of me physically hurt and it still does. Sometimes I think if I can stay busy enough the emotions and feelings will not catch up to me. I know that it can not be stopped. I just want him home. I want to be near him. I don't want to feel this deep void. The truth is there is nothing I can do to escape it. He will stay gone no matter how I feel, no matter how many activities I put in my dayplanner, no matter what. The only thing that can be done is to endure and I guess I will.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
7 years!
Today is my anniversary, and well at least I can say I am not breaking tradition. We have never spent a anniversary together and we sure as heck did not spend this one together. He did send me flowers and a cd he made for me. It was all pictures he had on his computer and he put our song to it and a message. It was so awesome, I cried! Time really has passed by so quickly. I think back to where we were in that time. I look at pictures and laugh at how young we looked. I remember how it felt to stand on the side walk in front of the justice of peace. I do not remember the vows, in fact I do not remember a bit about it. There we were, Chris in a shirt and tie, and me in that blue dress. No witnesses not even a person passing in the parking lot. Just us on the side walk saying our vows. And who knew it would last this long. Not me for one. I had doubts, I was insecure. But not anymore. I can say that all those doubts faded with time. I know that I made the best decision of my life that day. I married the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. No one will remember my wedding, I will never have a white dress to hand down to my daughter, I will not ever make a wedding scrapbook, but what I will remember is the years we share together. How happy we always are. How much love is always surrounding us. So few have what we have and that is good enough for me.
Friday, June 22, 2007
BLOG CHALLENGE: stream of conciousness
I got new cd's in today. I went against my better judgement a few weeks ago and ordered from BMG. I had just been noticing that there were quite a few cd's I had been wanting, so there I went. So while browsing the music online. One caught my eye. Well not one, many(I do love music!) But this one particular because it reminds me of Laura. The cd is of course Abba. I say of course because if you know Laura, then you know Abba. The two come hand in hand. I knew and liked Abba before I met Laura, just maybe not to this extent. A couple years ago, I went with Laura and another friend to see the play Mama Mia. I can not say enough about this play. If you get the chance to see it, GO! I walked out of there a honest to goodness Abba fan! Now everyone knows the favorites, like Waterloo and Dancing Queen. But I walked out of there with new favorites. Like Mama Mia and Knowing me, knowing you. I also walked out of there playing the "air" piano everytime they did during Dancing Queen. So anyway, I got the greatest hits cd in today. Big smile spread across my face when I opened the mail box. I have been feeling down all day because tommorrow is my anniversary and Chris is overseas. I am not sad and depressed, just a little down. I got flowers in today from him and that was such a nice surprise. But that is just the kind of guy he is. I also talked to Laura today. I miss her as well. She was headed to "our" scrapbook retreat up in the mountains of AZ. I am so jealous! Well back to my subject of Abba. I popped it in this evening while taking Rye to VBS. Dancing Queen came on and immediately I had a smile and was singing at the top of my lungs. My kids thought I was crazy. But of course I did the same when Mama Mia, Take a chance on me, and Chiquitita came on. I think I remembered all the hand moves Laura has for them too. In those moments driving, I tuned everything out and chanelled her. She can always make me laugh and that is exactly what she did tonight. Later on when I was putting my son to bed he looked up and said hey mom did that song say " Dancing Queen, Lima Bean"? We will have to educate the little guy in the ways of Abba some other time. I mean there is so few people that can understand it anyway. :)
-Dancing Queen
-Dancing Queen
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Blog challenge-Bryology
ARCHAEOLOGY: the study of material remains
What's the oldest article of clothing you still wear? hmm, not sure, I am pretty good at throwing most of my clothes out
What's the oldest article of clothing you won't get rid of? Old dance tshirt
When was the house/building you live in built? In the 90's
What in your fridge needs to be thrown out? eggs(did that this morning)
BIBLIOLOGY: the study of publication
What are you reading? Dragonfly and Amber, Darcy and Elizabeth, and I am waiting on the new Janet Evanovich to come out
Do you have a favorite quote? " I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself" (Self pity by D.H. Lawrence
What's the most recent music you purchased? I just got a order in from BMG, some Nelly Furtado, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, and a few others
What book could you read again without being bored?
CARDIOLOGY: the study of the heart
How old were you the first time you fell in love? I thought 15 or 16 but realized later I did not until I met my husband at 20
What charities do you have a heart for? Save the Manatees
What's the best way someone can show their love for you? don't try to change me, embrace the person I am
Name five things you "love": Chris, my kids, the ocean, Sweets, Christmas
PHYSIOLOGY: the study of physical function
Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
Do you like your smile? sometimes, I tend not to smile very big in pictures though
What's your best feature? my eyes
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? no , well maybe part of my left arm during reconstructive surgery
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? smell
OMNOLOGY: the study of everything
What color do you think looks best on you? red/coral/beige
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? I can't remember
What's your favorite flavor of gum? juicy fruit
Where's the first place you went today? to the coffeepot
Do you stand or sit in the shower? LOL, love this question, because I am a shower sitter!
AXIOLOGY: the study of the nature of values and value judgments
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? yes
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? yes
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? yes
What value is of utmost importance to you in a friend? someone who can let loose, be them selves and have fun!
Would you accept an indecent proposal for $1,000,000? hmm, probably not
TECHNOLOGY: usage and knowledge of tools
What's the last movie you saw? I started watching the Brothers Grimm
What's the first website you visit when you log on? hotmail
What's your ring tone? fergelicious
Would you quit blogging for $25,000? sure, don't do it that often anyway
What piece of equipment do you wish you owned? a Ipod
GENEALOGY: the study of relationships within families
Is there a specific family member you're really missing right now? my husband Chris
Who is your oldest living relative? I guess a great aunt who is about to turn 100
Are you named after anyone? no
Is there anyone really famous in your family tree? no
What's the oldest article of clothing you still wear? hmm, not sure, I am pretty good at throwing most of my clothes out
What's the oldest article of clothing you won't get rid of? Old dance tshirt
When was the house/building you live in built? In the 90's
What in your fridge needs to be thrown out? eggs(did that this morning)
BIBLIOLOGY: the study of publication
What are you reading? Dragonfly and Amber, Darcy and Elizabeth, and I am waiting on the new Janet Evanovich to come out
Do you have a favorite quote? " I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself" (Self pity by D.H. Lawrence
What's the most recent music you purchased? I just got a order in from BMG, some Nelly Furtado, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, and a few others
What book could you read again without being bored?
CARDIOLOGY: the study of the heart
How old were you the first time you fell in love? I thought 15 or 16 but realized later I did not until I met my husband at 20
What charities do you have a heart for? Save the Manatees
What's the best way someone can show their love for you? don't try to change me, embrace the person I am
Name five things you "love": Chris, my kids, the ocean, Sweets, Christmas
PHYSIOLOGY: the study of physical function
Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
Do you like your smile? sometimes, I tend not to smile very big in pictures though
What's your best feature? my eyes
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? no , well maybe part of my left arm during reconstructive surgery
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? smell
OMNOLOGY: the study of everything
What color do you think looks best on you? red/coral/beige
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? I can't remember
What's your favorite flavor of gum? juicy fruit
Where's the first place you went today? to the coffeepot
Do you stand or sit in the shower? LOL, love this question, because I am a shower sitter!
AXIOLOGY: the study of the nature of values and value judgments
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? yes
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? yes
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? yes
What value is of utmost importance to you in a friend? someone who can let loose, be them selves and have fun!
Would you accept an indecent proposal for $1,000,000? hmm, probably not
TECHNOLOGY: usage and knowledge of tools
What's the last movie you saw? I started watching the Brothers Grimm
What's the first website you visit when you log on? hotmail
What's your ring tone? fergelicious
Would you quit blogging for $25,000? sure, don't do it that often anyway
What piece of equipment do you wish you owned? a Ipod
GENEALOGY: the study of relationships within families
Is there a specific family member you're really missing right now? my husband Chris
Who is your oldest living relative? I guess a great aunt who is about to turn 100
Are you named after anyone? no
Is there anyone really famous in your family tree? no
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Blogger Challenge: Laugh
This week, write about the last time you had a really good laugh. A belly laugh. A laugh that took your breath away. A laugh that starved you of oxygen and gave you a headache. A laugh where you tossed your head back and really let 'er rip.
If you can't recall a time when you've laughed that hard, then figure out WHY NOT, and write about that.
So, I have really been very bad at keeping up with this blogger challenge, let alone writing creatively on my own. Everything that has been going on in my life has been a challenge. Leaving Arizona, Chris going to Ft. Bragg, getting to spend a short time with him, and then him leaving for his overseas destination. All of it is taking a toll. Today, I checked the challenge and it made me realize how long it really had been since I laughed. Not a laugh at a movie, or giggle at something one of my kids did, but a all out laugh. It really has not been that long but it was under the circumstances of which it occured. You see I have great friends. They live all over but there are two that I especially hold dear to my heart. One I have known for a short time, one for a life time. The two are so different. Kylene and I reconnected over myspace. The last time we had seen each other was college, but once we reconnected it was like time had not passed. And though we have never been best friends, she is a good one. Through countless phone calls we got to know each other and she decided to drive from Arizona to Alabama with me when I moved in January. I was driving by myself after my husband's unit deployed. She decided to join me. I was so grateful. Stacey, the friend I have known so much longer and love so dearly decided to join us too. Stacey is what I call my best friend. Friends for life will always be us. We met in the 6th grade in the bathroom of all places. And the rest is well like they say history. Well these two friends of mine flew out to Arizona, held me while I waved goodbye to my husband, and dried my tears when the damn finally broke. Nothing can prepare you for that feeling of loss. Slowly we walked to my car, got in and began our own trek across country. It was during that trip that I felt so much emotion. The first day I was depressed , barely uttering a sound. The girls chatted and took turns driving. Neither one pressing me for any more. Over the next several hours, hotel rooms, and miles we all got to know each other better and learned about each other lives on a deeper level. There were arguments(mostly due to be overly tired), there were adventures(like the detour to Riverwalk in San Antonio), there were all out heart to heart cries. But there was also Laughs. Big ones that take you breath away. All out belly laughs. At the time we concluded they were only because of delirium. Turns out they were more. Those laughs help me overcome the grief and depression I would have felt if I had been alone. I never would have made it alone. I thank God for the two of them. I wish I could remember what some of those belly laughs were about, but the important thing was that they happened. I have the pictures to prove it!
If you can't recall a time when you've laughed that hard, then figure out WHY NOT, and write about that.
So, I have really been very bad at keeping up with this blogger challenge, let alone writing creatively on my own. Everything that has been going on in my life has been a challenge. Leaving Arizona, Chris going to Ft. Bragg, getting to spend a short time with him, and then him leaving for his overseas destination. All of it is taking a toll. Today, I checked the challenge and it made me realize how long it really had been since I laughed. Not a laugh at a movie, or giggle at something one of my kids did, but a all out laugh. It really has not been that long but it was under the circumstances of which it occured. You see I have great friends. They live all over but there are two that I especially hold dear to my heart. One I have known for a short time, one for a life time. The two are so different. Kylene and I reconnected over myspace. The last time we had seen each other was college, but once we reconnected it was like time had not passed. And though we have never been best friends, she is a good one. Through countless phone calls we got to know each other and she decided to drive from Arizona to Alabama with me when I moved in January. I was driving by myself after my husband's unit deployed. She decided to join me. I was so grateful. Stacey, the friend I have known so much longer and love so dearly decided to join us too. Stacey is what I call my best friend. Friends for life will always be us. We met in the 6th grade in the bathroom of all places. And the rest is well like they say history. Well these two friends of mine flew out to Arizona, held me while I waved goodbye to my husband, and dried my tears when the damn finally broke. Nothing can prepare you for that feeling of loss. Slowly we walked to my car, got in and began our own trek across country. It was during that trip that I felt so much emotion. The first day I was depressed , barely uttering a sound. The girls chatted and took turns driving. Neither one pressing me for any more. Over the next several hours, hotel rooms, and miles we all got to know each other better and learned about each other lives on a deeper level. There were arguments(mostly due to be overly tired), there were adventures(like the detour to Riverwalk in San Antonio), there were all out heart to heart cries. But there was also Laughs. Big ones that take you breath away. All out belly laughs. At the time we concluded they were only because of delirium. Turns out they were more. Those laughs help me overcome the grief and depression I would have felt if I had been alone. I never would have made it alone. I thank God for the two of them. I wish I could remember what some of those belly laughs were about, but the important thing was that they happened. I have the pictures to prove it!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Blog Challenge:First
When is the first time you...
fell in love ? 10th grade or so I thought. It was my first boyfriend and we were together a really long time. Then I moved away, and we got back together when I moved home and I believed I loved him. But know that I am married, I believe that I never really knew the true meaning and feeling of love until my husband.
lost someone close to you? When I was 13, I lost my grandmother.
drank alcohol? Middle school, (shaking my head at the memory)
got kissed? Middle school(spin the bottle)
went to the hospital? In 4th grade, I broke my arm and had reconstructive surgury, stayed for a week.
got your heart broken? After high school, boyfriend and I broke up after a year and half.
lost a pet? young child(mayber 1st grade)We lost our family dog Katie
smoked a cigarette? high school
broke a bone? 3rd grade-arm
got a job?summer between 10th and 11th grade
got cheated on? Don't remember
rode the city bus? Phoenix, AZ 10th grade
went to a concert? First concert was Michael Bolton not sure when that was
Met someone famous?
dyed your hair? 16
got your own cell phone? In my early 20's
snuck out the house? 15
drove a car?15
got your own digital camera? 24
how old are you now? 27
fell in love ? 10th grade or so I thought. It was my first boyfriend and we were together a really long time. Then I moved away, and we got back together when I moved home and I believed I loved him. But know that I am married, I believe that I never really knew the true meaning and feeling of love until my husband.
lost someone close to you? When I was 13, I lost my grandmother.
drank alcohol? Middle school, (shaking my head at the memory)
got kissed? Middle school(spin the bottle)
went to the hospital? In 4th grade, I broke my arm and had reconstructive surgury, stayed for a week.
got your heart broken? After high school, boyfriend and I broke up after a year and half.
lost a pet? young child(mayber 1st grade)We lost our family dog Katie
smoked a cigarette? high school
broke a bone? 3rd grade-arm
got a job?summer between 10th and 11th grade
got cheated on? Don't remember
rode the city bus? Phoenix, AZ 10th grade
went to a concert? First concert was Michael Bolton not sure when that was
Met someone famous?
dyed your hair? 16
got your own cell phone? In my early 20's
snuck out the house? 15
drove a car?15
got your own digital camera? 24
how old are you now? 27
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Blog Challenge:Life Songs
It is so amazing how a song can remind you of a special time, place, or person. A few notes and you are transported. I heard some elevator music not to long ago that was a old New Kids on the Block ballad. I had to laugh thinking how "hot" they were and now it was elevator music. I was transported to my best friends backyard. We would blast the New Kids on the radio and sing along while practicing the moves! Later in High School it was rap for me. I hardly ever listen to rap anymore but there is this great radio in Phoenix that does "Old School" at noon. I find myself tuning in sometimes just for a laugh. My husband always laughs at the fact I know all the words by memory still. These days I listen mostly to country or classic rock. There are so many songs that take me back to different people in my life. Steelers Wheel always will remind me of my best friend Stacey. "Stuck in the middle with you" is our song! There is even a dance we do everytime we hear it.
Through all the different types of music I have changed to, there is one singer who always has remained. I was introduced to this singer so many years ago. The first song I heard of his was "Cheeseburger in Paradise". You must know who I am talking about. Jimmy Buffett! I love him. He is timeless. My love affair with his music will last a life time. My husband shares my affection for him as well. We he comes to town, you will find us standing in line to get concert tickets. Before Chris and I had children we would fall asleep everynight listening to Ballads from his box set. One song became our song. Survive. You see, Chris is in the military. He is a full time National Guard. Which means there is no other civilian job. He works everyday as a soldier. So as long as I have known him there has been weeks and months that we have spent apart. And it is always hard. It never seems to get easier. 7 years later he is looking at his first overseas deployment. January 6 he left for Ft. Bragg, NC and from there he will be on to Afghanistan. It happened so fast that neither us could catch our breath. I decided to move to Alabama with our 2 children. While no one wants to move home with mom and dad again it will be good to have the help and company. The kids will enjoy it as well. But I miss him.I do not know how to get through the next 15 months with out him. I put on a brave face and I go through the motions of the day. But I feel like my heart is breaking. But I do know that I will Survive. We will Survive. I have not listened to this song since he left. But maybe it is time. Perhaps tonight I will fall asleep listening to our song and maybe I can dream about sipping champagne and breaking into smiles.
"Survive, stay alive, till I see you again, Survive......"
Through all the different types of music I have changed to, there is one singer who always has remained. I was introduced to this singer so many years ago. The first song I heard of his was "Cheeseburger in Paradise". You must know who I am talking about. Jimmy Buffett! I love him. He is timeless. My love affair with his music will last a life time. My husband shares my affection for him as well. We he comes to town, you will find us standing in line to get concert tickets. Before Chris and I had children we would fall asleep everynight listening to Ballads from his box set. One song became our song. Survive. You see, Chris is in the military. He is a full time National Guard. Which means there is no other civilian job. He works everyday as a soldier. So as long as I have known him there has been weeks and months that we have spent apart. And it is always hard. It never seems to get easier. 7 years later he is looking at his first overseas deployment. January 6 he left for Ft. Bragg, NC and from there he will be on to Afghanistan. It happened so fast that neither us could catch our breath. I decided to move to Alabama with our 2 children. While no one wants to move home with mom and dad again it will be good to have the help and company. The kids will enjoy it as well. But I miss him.I do not know how to get through the next 15 months with out him. I put on a brave face and I go through the motions of the day. But I feel like my heart is breaking. But I do know that I will Survive. We will Survive. I have not listened to this song since he left. But maybe it is time. Perhaps tonight I will fall asleep listening to our song and maybe I can dream about sipping champagne and breaking into smiles.
"Survive, stay alive, till I see you again, Survive......"
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