I go in for my first full day of nursing classes today. I am nervous, excited, anxious. Wondering where this will all take me. Hoping the school pulls their head out of their asses and gets organized. They have really been dragging butt on schedules....keeping everyones pell grants on hold. So at the first day of school dawns I have no schedule and no books. I was just told to show up at 7:30am. Awesome.
On the upside, after today I will only have a AM class then off for the rest of the week.
Few other things I am totally excited about.....
Going to pick up my son's national champion Auburn shirt today after classes. I might be nice and get one for J. I totally fell asleep last night.....it was a late game and I had to get up early. It is DVR'd so I am keeping my ears shut and staying off FB so I don't hear spoilers.
Had a ton of fun last night playing UNO with the family. The kids had a blast and J and I cheated......Now before you get upset at that......Thats just how J is. He knew KK was at a disadvantage so he would swing the game in her direction to give her help. It was alot of fun though and we need to do it more often. Is it just me or has the rules of the game changed?
Next I am pretty excited about this weekend....Not because the kids will be gone but because we get to go see MP4. I love this band! Looking forward to a weekend with J and great music.
Well Im out because my time draws near......Wish me luck!
Trying to Reason
Because it clears my head and then I can go on.....
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
In rememberance of one the greats
We lost a great yesterday, and this one really hits home for me. I just love Gerry Rafferty and his music.
This song got me through alot, it reappeared in my life a few years ago and I would fall asleep listening to its haunting sound.
I also have a special relationship to his song Stuck in the Middle which was done with Steelers Wheel
Damn to be 18, high, and driving around singing "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right"
This song got me through alot, it reappeared in my life a few years ago and I would fall asleep listening to its haunting sound.
I also have a special relationship to his song Stuck in the Middle which was done with Steelers Wheel
Damn to be 18, high, and driving around singing "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right"
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
I am a pincushion
Yesterday....I drove(dragged) myself to the doctor where I volunteered myself for a TB test, Hep B shot, and 4 blood titers. OUCH. I will be dragging myself back for more in the months to come.
Parents keep your kids immunization records....official ones! I have to have them for Nursing School which starts Friday. Well no one knew where to look for any of my records and the health dept was not going to help me because I am not under 18 so I became a pincushion yesterday. Oh yeah did I mention no health insurance. Double ouch
For now I am walking around with a circle drawn around my TB Test.....Trying not to rub it. But I really want to itch it like Hell!!!!! Last night was miserable...I am a side sleeper. I had two bad arms ...It sucked tremendously.
Parents keep your kids immunization records....official ones! I have to have them for Nursing School which starts Friday. Well no one knew where to look for any of my records and the health dept was not going to help me because I am not under 18 so I became a pincushion yesterday. Oh yeah did I mention no health insurance. Double ouch
For now I am walking around with a circle drawn around my TB Test.....Trying not to rub it. But I really want to itch it like Hell!!!!! Last night was miserable...I am a side sleeper. I had two bad arms ...It sucked tremendously.
Thats all for my whining session today. Thank you.
Monday, January 03, 2011
All that came with 2010
This time of year I am often tempted to list out a bunch of New Years Resolutions that I will never keep.. Truth is I usually look back at a previous year completely shocked at all that came and went. Especially in the past few years, I have seen so many changes. So I am sitting here waxing poetic about some of the things 2010 did bring.
First of all I began the year in a new place. Living in Lower Alabama has been interesting to say the least and I am still not convinced I love it. Its not the place that matters though, its the people around you. Still challenges come up when you live in a new place. You have to find your way around, meet people, get into the groove. I find this especially hard being in a rural area where everyone knows each other. I found myself being spun in several different directions and meeting many people but never quite connecting. So it is safe to say that 2010 has been a lonely, isolated(at times) time but it really is getting so much better!
The previous year has definetly been a time of adjustment. J and I bringing two familes together and holding on like hell for the ride. It takes alot of adjustment for the parents and the kids. It really has not been easy and unfortunately there have been times I wanted to give up, throw the towel in and run like Hell. It is not supposed to be easy though. Its the things you have to work for the hardest that make you stronger and more appreciative. I know now that I am lucky to have these people in my life and I don't ever want them to leave. Even though we all seem to be in a groove now and things get along for the most part.....we will have more hurdles to cross and challenges to face. J constantly told me this year that "the first year is the hardest"....very true.
2010 also marks my first full year back in college. I started in Fall of 2009 and kept going. Again there were many times I wanted to quit...but I am so glad I didnt. Things are well with school and have taken off in a completely opposite direction than where I started.
Thats not all......once you get rolling reviewing your year you start to remember more and more.
The Good , The Bad
I fulfilled one of my dreams and adopted a Greyhound.
I signed up and got accepted to Nursing School
I made the deans list this past semester and realized I was very capable of achieving that
I completely fell off the running bandwagon
I taught my kids how to roll a yard
I finally had my tatoo redone on my shoulder
I did not stop smoking :(
We took a great trip to Mobile and several fun ones to Gulf Shores
There was a fabulous surprise birthday weekend with my Ho's
Had one fabulous winter wonderland weekend. Have not seen that much snow in Years!
A few firsts
I went to Mardi Gras
I shot a gun
watched my kids slip and slide into a pond.......
J and I put together one of the biggest water balloon fights ever.
I saw New Orleans ....where I danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly...eh hem
I got a house....and realized I had no idea how to fill it up and decorate. We are doing it together slowly.
I came to terms
I changed my mind
I was dissapointed
I was hurt, sorry, and guilty
I was surprised
I broke down
I healed
I cried
I got lazy
I took care of it on my own
I let go
I forgave
I forgot
I walked away
I missed
I was happy
and much much more!
I look forward to what 2011 brings
So far it has brought me a New Years kiss....my very first one.
I am also certified for CPR as of New Years Day
and I have partied hard!
First of all I began the year in a new place. Living in Lower Alabama has been interesting to say the least and I am still not convinced I love it. Its not the place that matters though, its the people around you. Still challenges come up when you live in a new place. You have to find your way around, meet people, get into the groove. I find this especially hard being in a rural area where everyone knows each other. I found myself being spun in several different directions and meeting many people but never quite connecting. So it is safe to say that 2010 has been a lonely, isolated(at times) time but it really is getting so much better!
The previous year has definetly been a time of adjustment. J and I bringing two familes together and holding on like hell for the ride. It takes alot of adjustment for the parents and the kids. It really has not been easy and unfortunately there have been times I wanted to give up, throw the towel in and run like Hell. It is not supposed to be easy though. Its the things you have to work for the hardest that make you stronger and more appreciative. I know now that I am lucky to have these people in my life and I don't ever want them to leave. Even though we all seem to be in a groove now and things get along for the most part.....we will have more hurdles to cross and challenges to face. J constantly told me this year that "the first year is the hardest"....very true.
2010 also marks my first full year back in college. I started in Fall of 2009 and kept going. Again there were many times I wanted to quit...but I am so glad I didnt. Things are well with school and have taken off in a completely opposite direction than where I started.
Thats not all......once you get rolling reviewing your year you start to remember more and more.
The Good , The Bad
I fulfilled one of my dreams and adopted a Greyhound.
I signed up and got accepted to Nursing School
I made the deans list this past semester and realized I was very capable of achieving that
I completely fell off the running bandwagon
I taught my kids how to roll a yard
I finally had my tatoo redone on my shoulder
I did not stop smoking :(
We took a great trip to Mobile and several fun ones to Gulf Shores
There was a fabulous surprise birthday weekend with my Ho's
Had one fabulous winter wonderland weekend. Have not seen that much snow in Years!
A few firsts
I went to Mardi Gras
I shot a gun
watched my kids slip and slide into a pond.......
J and I put together one of the biggest water balloon fights ever.
I saw New Orleans ....where I danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly...eh hem
I got a house....and realized I had no idea how to fill it up and decorate. We are doing it together slowly.
I came to terms
I changed my mind
I was dissapointed
I was hurt, sorry, and guilty
I was surprised
I broke down
I healed
I cried
I got lazy
I took care of it on my own
I let go
I forgave
I forgot
I walked away
I missed
I was happy
and much much more!
I look forward to what 2011 brings
So far it has brought me a New Years kiss....my very first one.
I am also certified for CPR as of New Years Day
and I have partied hard!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The holidays are over. The birthdays are all over. The semester is over. The year is over.
Any kind of waisteline I had before the holiday food is......well over!
New Years is on the way.....which means some resolutions.
I hope mine include this blog because I sure miss it. I am not really upset about it but I would like to get in a better routine.
So thats really it today.....just wanted to get a post in. Just wanted to make an effort.
Over....and out.
Any kind of waisteline I had before the holiday food is......well over!
New Years is on the way.....which means some resolutions.
I hope mine include this blog because I sure miss it. I am not really upset about it but I would like to get in a better routine.
So thats really it today.....just wanted to get a post in. Just wanted to make an effort.
Over....and out.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Catching up.....in pictures

So I made this collage of all that has been going on lately....
I have not posted in awhile and now that I have some extra time I thought I would catch up.
The collage is mainly because blogger was taking HOURS to upload pics.
Here you go....Left to Right, Top to Bottom.....
1. Went on a visit to the parents house, mainly to see some friends and celebrate Misti's bday.
2. We taught the kids to be criminals.....not really just a lesson in rolling. Don't get panties in wad......the people new in advance we were going to do it.
3. and took them hiking.
4. , 5., and 6. Went on field trip with K, found farm's fattest pumpkin....according to her
7. Prepared for Halloween party
8. Did the monster mash
9. Laid with the dog in the sunshine
10. Carved pumpkins
11. Found a little mermaid
12. That liked to make fish faces
13. Had a fabulous party where we bobbed for apples
14. With many great friends
15. Did a 3 legged race
16. Made mummies
17. and had a visit from Thelma off the Mama's Family
18. It was a great party and J and I are discussing what to do next year.
19. Found a pirate on Halloween
20. and a princess on a horse
21. riding BY HER SELF
22. A lazy day in the hammock
23. And pumpkins on Halloween night
24. Jack-o-lanterns
There is so many other things...this is just a few things. I really need to get the boys to pose for pictures more......Why do they run when I get the camera out?
Now we are enjoying a easy November. Lots of time off school for both me and the kids. Looking forward to all of it.
My weekend starts today!
Our first pomegranate of the year
My favorite thing and possible the only thing I like about November is pomegranates. I love seeing them show up in the supermarkets. My kids start jumping up and down begging for them. It is quite possible a perfect food so of course I oblige.
Can I just say though.........When did they go from 1.00$ to 3.47$ each? Hello!
Get one, enjoy it! You will not be sorry!
Friday, November 05, 2010
I have been blogging long enough to know that time goes by very fast and whenever I get busy something has to give. That something always being my blog. I wish it were not so but so it is. I am happy to report that even though I have not written here in over a month I have all A's in my courses and have changed direction. If you know me, you are used to me changing direction. My plans were all along to go to community until all my basics were done then move on to a 4 year college and finish out a degree.....somewhere in the health, nutrition, trainor, science field. Well the longer I am at this community college the more I like it and I realize that there is a good nursing program here. Well on a whim.....I put my application in, signed up and even got a recommendation(without asking) from my BIO teacher. I am pretty excited about it. So new adventure for me and we will see how it works out and even if I like it.
There is other stuff to catch up on....and I will get around to it. Eventually. Hopefully....One day
There is other stuff to catch up on....and I will get around to it. Eventually. Hopefully....One day
Monday, October 04, 2010
This weekend I.......
......... went to the Homecoming parade. The kids enjoyed the candy, I loved the walk, and Miley loved being out. After the parade we went home and we all dropped into bed or onto the couch and watched TV. Not once did I think about going to the game or anything. I was done for the weekend. Finished.
Sunday....I planned to sleep in and do nothing all day. Then I realized that Rye and I had to finish HIS book report project and J decided YES we were going to powerwash the house(at 1pm). This was after he slept in until 11......grrrrr. I don't like doing this. He sprayed the bleach, I did the sprayer. You get really wet.....and this was a windy cold weekend. House does look better though.
The kids played
K watched Rye
mow the grass. He is not very good. He does not get the concept of staying with the pattern. He missed alot and it kept turning off because his butt would not stay in the seat. He had fun though.
Friday, October 01, 2010
I forgot to eat for 22 hours......or so
I really did! I am laying here in bed......because I can..... and I was about to fall asleep.....cause I can....when my stomach started growling.
How odd, I thought
Then I thought so more and realized .....I have not ate since about 10 am yesterday morning.
How does one do that? How does one forget?
Not that I couldnt stand to forget......if you know what I mean. Need to lose those extra pounds now before the holidays get here.
So its finally Friday and my HELL week is officially over. Technically it was last night at say 6:58, when I promptly ended my speech , sat down, and had to suffer through approximately 14 other people do their speeches.
I managed a B in Math, B in World Lit(which was quite surprising actually), and a A on my speech. The math grade I completely expected. Hello .......that chapter shot straight over my 31 year old head. There are times when high school students have the advantage over the "older" college student. I don't even remember doing half this stuff in highschool. The B in World Lit is quite surprising considering I felt really good about it and was quite happy with it.......hmmmm, will have to wait to see when I get it back. The A on my speech I totally deserved last time but maybe not this time. I gave a good speech, don't get me wrong(its an art), but I was not nearly prepared this time as I was for my last one. I could not help it, there was not enough hours in the week! As far as Biology goes, will have to wait for the results which my teacher will undoubtively post about 2 weeks from now.....because thats how she rolls. I do feel good about it though.
Question: Do you ever wonder how some people can wake up everday and tie their shoes. I feel like this everyday I go to class. Some of the people you meet , its a wonder I tell you. I am actually concerned to on the same roads as some of them.
Excuse that outburst.
Anyway its Friday and I have technically nothing to do....except pick up kids at 1 and wait for the Homecoming parade to start. If I was a good girl I would be doing housework and getting ahead of homework.........but I really don't feel like it and well Miley(the greyhound) has decided to sleep all day so why not me? I will do it later!
I told the kids this morning that we need to get up early to paint faces. Is purple and gold day so they wanted to do some war paint. Fine....cool. So I am laying in bed and I hear the boys alarm clock go off......at 5:45am! I get up and stomp to the other end of the house where all 3 kids are up and going. I was PISSED! Okay, when I said early I meant like ......6:15. Now.....I am going to have some CRANKY kids this afternoon. I know, I know....they are excited about today but damn Im excited about my sleep. I got home late last night from class and then could not get to sleep. Thats what I get for all the stress. Of course it was not just me....J could not either. He ended up sleeping at the opposite end of the bed(I am not sure how this helps)....I don't know what time we actually passed out but it was late.
Here is what we ended up with. I have mad face painting skills at 6:30am.....
So I said all that to say this.....Im tired.
Need the rest too because I am going to T-town tommorrow. No tickets for the Alabama game but apparently I will be shopping, eating sushi and tailgating. I don't care what I do, I just need to get out of this county and I need a break! I informed J of this last night. He did not like it......despite the fact that he is working. I told him he should be more supportive of me getting away and doing things with my friends. It sure would help me to be refreshed for another week of stress. Oh well he can stay pissed.......I am getting out.
But what is with that? He said he was mad because I "told " him I was going before knowing he was working. My thoughts are what does it matter if he is working or not, I still need the break! I was 99.9% sure he was working anyway! I think he forgets that I am his girlfriend sometimes......not his wife. Even if I was his wife I would not feel inclined to ask him for permission.
Sorry for that last bit of rant.......I absolutely love the guy.....but I swear he blows me away with his logic sometimes.
Sorry for the long post.....its the coffee.....and my lack of time to blog lately.......or talk with friends......or even talk to J for that matter. In other words I am bursting. Looking forward to "getting it all out" with some good friends tomorrow. Yeah!
I would like to finish this post with a public service announcement!
I am sorry but I am going to be putting the Captch security back on my comments. I have recieved numerous amounts of spam lately and do not wish to cause any harm to my computer. So for now its back on . Thanks!
How odd, I thought
Then I thought so more and realized .....I have not ate since about 10 am yesterday morning.
How does one do that? How does one forget?
Not that I couldnt stand to forget......if you know what I mean. Need to lose those extra pounds now before the holidays get here.
So its finally Friday and my HELL week is officially over. Technically it was last night at say 6:58, when I promptly ended my speech , sat down, and had to suffer through approximately 14 other people do their speeches.
I managed a B in Math, B in World Lit(which was quite surprising actually), and a A on my speech. The math grade I completely expected. Hello .......that chapter shot straight over my 31 year old head. There are times when high school students have the advantage over the "older" college student. I don't even remember doing half this stuff in highschool. The B in World Lit is quite surprising considering I felt really good about it and was quite happy with it.......hmmmm, will have to wait to see when I get it back. The A on my speech I totally deserved last time but maybe not this time. I gave a good speech, don't get me wrong(its an art), but I was not nearly prepared this time as I was for my last one. I could not help it, there was not enough hours in the week! As far as Biology goes, will have to wait for the results which my teacher will undoubtively post about 2 weeks from now.....because thats how she rolls. I do feel good about it though.
Question: Do you ever wonder how some people can wake up everday and tie their shoes. I feel like this everyday I go to class. Some of the people you meet , its a wonder I tell you. I am actually concerned to on the same roads as some of them.
Excuse that outburst.
Anyway its Friday and I have technically nothing to do....except pick up kids at 1 and wait for the Homecoming parade to start. If I was a good girl I would be doing housework and getting ahead of homework.........but I really don't feel like it and well Miley(the greyhound) has decided to sleep all day so why not me? I will do it later!
I told the kids this morning that we need to get up early to paint faces. Is purple and gold day so they wanted to do some war paint. Fine....cool. So I am laying in bed and I hear the boys alarm clock go off......at 5:45am! I get up and stomp to the other end of the house where all 3 kids are up and going. I was PISSED! Okay, when I said early I meant like ......6:15. Now.....I am going to have some CRANKY kids this afternoon. I know, I know....they are excited about today but damn Im excited about my sleep. I got home late last night from class and then could not get to sleep. Thats what I get for all the stress. Of course it was not just me....J could not either. He ended up sleeping at the opposite end of the bed(I am not sure how this helps)....I don't know what time we actually passed out but it was late.
Here is what we ended up with. I have mad face painting skills at 6:30am.....
oh and for a little update....we have been doing stuff all week for homecoming. I managed pictures one day. This was cowboy/western day.
My 2 are so citified( is that the correct spelling?) We wear running shoes with our hats.
So I said all that to say this.....Im tired.
Need the rest too because I am going to T-town tommorrow. No tickets for the Alabama game but apparently I will be shopping, eating sushi and tailgating. I don't care what I do, I just need to get out of this county and I need a break! I informed J of this last night. He did not like it......despite the fact that he is working. I told him he should be more supportive of me getting away and doing things with my friends. It sure would help me to be refreshed for another week of stress. Oh well he can stay pissed.......I am getting out.
But what is with that? He said he was mad because I "told " him I was going before knowing he was working. My thoughts are what does it matter if he is working or not, I still need the break! I was 99.9% sure he was working anyway! I think he forgets that I am his girlfriend sometimes......not his wife. Even if I was his wife I would not feel inclined to ask him for permission.
Sorry for that last bit of rant.......I absolutely love the guy.....but I swear he blows me away with his logic sometimes.
Sorry for the long post.....its the coffee.....and my lack of time to blog lately.......or talk with friends......or even talk to J for that matter. In other words I am bursting. Looking forward to "getting it all out" with some good friends tomorrow. Yeah!
I would like to finish this post with a public service announcement!
I am sorry but I am going to be putting the Captch security back on my comments. I have recieved numerous amounts of spam lately and do not wish to cause any harm to my computer. So for now its back on . Thanks!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Its chilly
I like chilly........
Makes me want to do things that I do not have time to do....like nap or rake leaves or.....curl up with a book.
This week is Hell week....and if I make it through I will feel better. I have 3 major tests and a speech. I constantly ask myself why? Why do I put myself in the position to be so stressed out. It does not make me happy. School makes me happy....at least the end result will but I hate the stress it brings to me, J, the kids....my house. Its hard to balance it all out. There are so many other things I want to be doing.
Enough of my rant...
I have been doing alot and not blogging but some day I will catch it up. We have managed a few fall crafts, a new couch, and some sick kids, cheerleading......but no time to blog about it. Not today. Today is Algebra and World Literature. Not for you, for me.
Makes me want to do things that I do not have time to do....like nap or rake leaves or.....curl up with a book.
This week is Hell week....and if I make it through I will feel better. I have 3 major tests and a speech. I constantly ask myself why? Why do I put myself in the position to be so stressed out. It does not make me happy. School makes me happy....at least the end result will but I hate the stress it brings to me, J, the kids....my house. Its hard to balance it all out. There are so many other things I want to be doing.
Enough of my rant...
I have been doing alot and not blogging but some day I will catch it up. We have managed a few fall crafts, a new couch, and some sick kids, cheerleading......but no time to blog about it. Not today. Today is Algebra and World Literature. Not for you, for me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Last Day!
How the Pedigree BlogPaws Bloggers are stepping it up to Be the Change:
Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide.
How can you help feed shelter pets?
It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog. If you don't have a blog but want to help here is what you can do. We need you to spread the word! Feel free to use the Tweet button at the end of this post or use the Facebook button right next to it to share on your Facebook profile. Have a Stumbled account or Delicious feel free to use all forms of Social Media at your disposal. Send this post as an email to your friends and family, the further this message gets spread the more 20lbs bags of food we will be able to raise for shelter dogs.
How it Works:
Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort. we will be hosting a blog hop where you can add the url (that's the direct link) to your Write A Post Help a Dog so that they are all in one place and we can see just how big of an impact we can have in the lives of Shelter Dogs. Come back on September 16th and leave your link on the blog Two Little Cavaliers
The Facts:
Each year, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Pedigree created The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of these homeless dogs.
This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1 million bowls have been donated the goal is for Pedigree to be able to give a bowl of food to each and everyone of the 4 million dogs in shelters and rescues by the end of the year.
Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide.
How can you help feed shelter pets?
It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog. If you don't have a blog but want to help here is what you can do. We need you to spread the word! Feel free to use the Tweet button at the end of this post or use the Facebook button right next to it to share on your Facebook profile. Have a Stumbled account or Delicious feel free to use all forms of Social Media at your disposal. Send this post as an email to your friends and family, the further this message gets spread the more 20lbs bags of food we will be able to raise for shelter dogs.
How it Works:
Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort. we will be hosting a blog hop where you can add the url (that's the direct link) to your Write A Post Help a Dog so that they are all in one place and we can see just how big of an impact we can have in the lives of Shelter Dogs. Come back on September 16th and leave your link on the blog Two Little Cavaliers
The Facts:
Each year, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Pedigree created The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of these homeless dogs.
This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1 million bowls have been donated the goal is for Pedigree to be able to give a bowl of food to each and everyone of the 4 million dogs in shelters and rescues by the end of the year.
What could be sweeter?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I am doing something new today.....joining a blog hop for pets and check out this cause!
The Facts:
Each year, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Pedigree created The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of these homeless dogs.
This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1 million bowls have been donated the goal is for Pedigree to be able to give a bowl of food to each and everyone of the 4 million dogs in shelters and rescues by the end of the year.
How the Pedigree BlogPaws Bloggers are stepping it up to Be the Change:
Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide.
How can you help feed shelter pets?
It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog to the tune of a 20lb bag of dog food!
Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort. we will be hosting a blog hop where you can add the url (that's the direct link) to your Write A Post Help a Dog so that they are all in one place and we can see just how big of an impact we can have in the lives of Shelter Dogs.
So since this is my first pet blog hop........let me introduce you to my pet.
Yep, thats her. Miley the Greyhound. She likes her space. She likes her sleep. She likes her marshmallows.
I have a little tail er tale to tell you. Yesterday, Miley and I were spending a relaxing day at home. I had no classes and I planned to lounge around in comfy clothes, pick up the house and study. I stepped out on the porch to enjoy my morning cup of joe and noticed that all my roses are in bloom. Since I rarely cut any, I thought it would be nice to put some in my fall vase.
Proud of the domestic energy I had drummed up I promptly got a pair of scissors out and headed out doors. Miley being interested in always being by myside. This is no problem. We live in a very rural area and she follows me everywhere. She rarely leaves the yard and then it is only to go say hello to the neighbors. She is quite the lazy greyhound and hardly ever musters up the energy to run anywhere......except for the food bowl. I started cutting roses, my girl by myside. When I turned around and she was gone. I did not panic because I figured she just went back inside or to relieve herself. .....but after a few minutes......I was like where the heck is she. She had like vanished......owners of greyhounds can sympathize with my panic here. Trying not to panic I circled my yard several times, whistling, and calling.....I talked to the neighbor......he had not seen her. I thought okay.....haha she is hiding in the kids bed(which she loves to do).....Nope.
after calling in reinforcements
after driving everywhere possible
after crying
The neighbor came over and said her daughter in law who lives down the road had her
at the same time
J called and said they had called him......Thanks to the tag
at the same time
J's SIL drove up with her in the car......literally in her lap
She had wondered off......gotten lost.....and ended up down the road
She had been sitting on the porch crying
Everyone knows she is ours and everyone around here is related so they all started calling around.....
They even fed her and watered her.......she would not stop crying though....
Until SIL Drove past and she lept in the car with her and hopped out at my house......I thought she was going to tackle me.
She has not let me out of her sight since.....
Lesson learned.
I still do not think she needs to be on the leash at ALL times. She is great playing in the yard with all of us most evenings. Or at night and morning when she has to pee! But when I just go outside during the day.......to do whatever this is the time that she likes to wander. No more.
Miley I love you to dearly......
Friday, September 10, 2010
So I went......all ready to do my speech. My 80 something year old professor who I swear has dementia walked into class and says " Well okay, so we got speechs due next week, lets talk a little more about to how to prepare"......There was a hush and a shhhh.......dont tell him mutter that rolled across the classroom. I was the one in the class that desperately wanted to stand up and say " No, Mr. M.......today is the 9th, our speeches are due today" ...........Oh but that classroom would have jumped me in the parking lot. I almost cried. I spent the next few hours listening to him drone on (sounding very much like Charlie Brown's teacher) and copying my Biology notes.
But enough about that......or this could be a very long post.
I really want to do some catching up.
I had a birthday.....which I wrote about a little because I talked about doing a 32 before 32....which I still have not done.
I made myself cupcakes
But enough about that......or this could be a very long post.
I really want to do some catching up.
I had a birthday.....which I wrote about a little because I talked about doing a 32 before 32....which I still have not done.
I made myself cupcakes
Cute little icecream cone cupcakes. By the way.....they are so much better the second day when the cone gets soggy. Just saying
Later that night........J and I would sit in the kitchen adding even more frosting to them.....because its fun and I had the fancy tips out.
Oh and Miley ate 3......which I totally freaked about because it was chocolate........
Then a few of my friends showed up and made my weekend! Love you girls!
We partyed like Rockstars......
J partied too. Excuse the pic......as was 3 sheets
good times....
Okay it has taken me approximately 8 hours to do this post because of some Greyhound drama. So apparently this is all the catching up I can muster for the day.
I assure you she is fast asleep beside my bed....and all is right with the world.
I am glad it is Friday....though not the day I wanted it to be.
Looking forward to a nice relaxing stay at home weekend. Hopefully I will get to enjoy a glass of wine with Ky, and maybe get some studying done,
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Apparently I can get nothing accomplished today.
Really I have tried. No, not really........
See I have this speech tonight. Its an informational speech for my Speech class. It is on any topic we choose and it must be a minumum of5-6 minutes long.
Mine is 10.
This is all fine. As much as I stressed about it all week, I managed to get it all finished, organized, and even memorized. I am good at this type of stuff, I just put it off........er procrastinate.
Tonight I will be talking about the life of a Greyhound. Hey I figured it is a subject I know and passionate about so should be easy. The hard part is standing up and starting. All planning and practice go out the door. It is an almost paralyzing feeling. Slowly the words come to me and I pull it out, usually with out saying the word um.......too many times.
I have all day to myself. Biology this morning and the rest of the day to just practice and study. Well I have practiced and even recorded myself several times.
I have got nothing else done.
I changed out the laundry, ate, took a nap, cleaned out my google reader, posted, took shower, picked out my outfit, flat ironed my hair.........practiced again.
I have been home alone. We arranged for the kids to go with J's mom and he is picking them up after work. So I had no interupptions.
I have so much other stuff to be studying for. Huge biology test coming up......
My brain turned off, I can not physically take in anymore.
My stomach hurts.........more and more the time draws near. I know I will survive. As my teacher says....." No one will die from public speaking"........
okay, well it just feels that way. I feel sick
Lord help me to get in the car, drive safely to school, be the first to raise my hand and get the damn thing over with.
Then I can sit there and watch my fellow students sweat.
I have dreaded this class since I was 18. I am 31 and assure that it is not any easier. Yuck.....typing is making me sick......
Really I have tried. No, not really........
See I have this speech tonight. Its an informational speech for my Speech class. It is on any topic we choose and it must be a minumum of5-6 minutes long.
Mine is 10.
This is all fine. As much as I stressed about it all week, I managed to get it all finished, organized, and even memorized. I am good at this type of stuff, I just put it off........er procrastinate.
Tonight I will be talking about the life of a Greyhound. Hey I figured it is a subject I know and passionate about so should be easy. The hard part is standing up and starting. All planning and practice go out the door. It is an almost paralyzing feeling. Slowly the words come to me and I pull it out, usually with out saying the word um.......too many times.
I have all day to myself. Biology this morning and the rest of the day to just practice and study. Well I have practiced and even recorded myself several times.
I have got nothing else done.
I changed out the laundry, ate, took a nap, cleaned out my google reader, posted, took shower, picked out my outfit, flat ironed my hair.........practiced again.
I have been home alone. We arranged for the kids to go with J's mom and he is picking them up after work. So I had no interupptions.
I have so much other stuff to be studying for. Huge biology test coming up......
My brain turned off, I can not physically take in anymore.
My stomach hurts.........more and more the time draws near. I know I will survive. As my teacher says....." No one will die from public speaking"........
okay, well it just feels that way. I feel sick
Lord help me to get in the car, drive safely to school, be the first to raise my hand and get the damn thing over with.
Then I can sit there and watch my fellow students sweat.
I have dreaded this class since I was 18. I am 31 and assure that it is not any easier. Yuck.....typing is making me sick......
I came across this today in my google reader and went on a search to find the original article. You can read it HERE
Thought it was very interesting......and I added my own commentary
Thought it was very interesting......and I added my own commentary
By 30, you should have:
1.One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come.
This is very true....except for the going back part
2.A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
Thank you very much. Mine is turn of the century 1900's France
3.Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
I suck at this one, I still prefer to dress very casual, hippy, etc.
4.A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.
Check.....of course I am not a purse girl. I love my Kavu
5.A youth you’re content to move beyond.
I can move beyond it, problem is will anyone let me move beyound it?
6.A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
7.The realization that you are actually going to have an old age—and some money set aside to help fund it.
8.An e-mail address, a voice mailbox and a bank account—all of which nobody has access to but you.
9.A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded.
10.One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11.A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra.
I got the bra! I have never found that my life was uncomplete with out the screwdrivers or drill
12.Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
Not sure about this
13.The belief that you deserve it.
14.A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
Yeah , about this.....
15.A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship and all those other facets of life that do get better.
Yes, okay....Im there
By 30, you should know:
1.How to fall in love without losing yourself.
Yeah got that, problem is letting the other person find me.
2.How you feel about having kids.
I feel I have them.....not sure about the future.
3.How to quit a job, break up with a man and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
4.When to try harder and when to walk away.
5.How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next.
6.The names of: the secretary of state, your great-grandmother and the best tailor in town.
7.How to live alone, even if you don’t like to.
8.How to take control of your own birthday.
9.That you can’t change the length of your calves, the width of your hips or the nature of your parents.
10.That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over.
Thank God
11.What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love.
12.That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs or not flossing for very long.
13.Who you can trust, who you can’t and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
14.Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault.
15.Why they say life begins at 30.
I am betting on it!
I will add a few of my own.By the way I have known all these for awhile but it is amazing the people you meet that do not!
How to change the oil or at least pay attention to when it needs to be done and get it done.
Not to depend on a man to do the previously mentioned.
How to air up a tire
Know some basic decorating do's and don'ts
Know what looks good on you and what doesnt
Know who your friends are and know when it is TIME to see them
Have a understanding that people and life get busy and not to take it personally
Know how to clean your house sufficiently enough to have company within 15 min.
have some cooking skills that do not include the microwave
Have a list of dreams and aspirations and how to achieve them
know what you believe in and when to stand up for those beliefs
be able to listen to others even when you do not agree
know to not be judgemental
know what you believe in and when to stand up for those beliefs
be able to listen to others even when you do not agree
know to not be judgemental
There are so many more I could add!
back to the grind. I have been on the computer but no blog. Priorites! I am a little bit over my head with school work at the present time. Be back soon!
More on
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Birthdays are always a good day to revisit old posts. Don't you think? A few years back I wrote a 30 things to do before I turn 30. Well today I turn 31 and I should see what I can cross off. Now granted when I wrote this post I was in a very different season of life. I was temporarily living in Alabama with plans to return to home(Arizona) when my husband came back from Afghanistan. Well....... Here are the details now.
Still live in AL
So I have a feeling most of these are obsolete. Thats okay. It is time to start a new list.
Original Post
30 Things before I turn 30
I will add commentary in Red!
1. Go abroad- Fall 08 I did go to Italy and it was a wonderful amazing trip! I even got to do a 6 hour whirlwind tour of London on our layover.
2. Learn the basics for said country-I tried........so tried. I did take all my Western Civ. classes last year and it was wonerful to have a visual for parts of those classes. It made the class come alive for me and only lighted the fire for me to go back!
3. Go back to school and work on finishing up my general studies- Well I can almost cross this off. After this semester I literally have about 5 classes left of general studies. I am very proud despite wanting to give up several times!
4. Catch up on all things scrapbooking-Haha! I have not touched it therefore piling up even more years to catch up on! I am looking to get in the groove, but plan a more basic approach. I have not even developed pictures in 3 years!
5. Continue my running-Well it is true that I have ran many races since I first wrote these goals but in the last year I have let it go. I still LOVE it and desire it but I have a hard time fitting it into my life which is only an excuse. I have been getting out a couple times a week here lately but I am no where near where I want to be.
6. Run a marathon- Again see #5.....The highest distance I have reached in a race is 10K
7. Work on group fitness certification-This is seperate from going back to school. This is still a goal, but I am trying to concentrate on my degree now. I guess I underestimated my superhero abilities.
8. Take my husband to Half Moon Bay, CA- He has never seen this beautiful place and I wish to take him there and drive down Hwy 1, hopefully in the fall. Stop at the little pumpkin festivals along the way, taking our time and enjoying all that this route has to offer.Well I guess we can drop this off.....Don't live on the West side anymore and not married.
9. Go to San Franciso-This could technically be done on the same trip as Half Moon Bay, but who knows, I love California so much I may want to break up the trips. Same see #8
10. Visit Big Sky Country- Maybe even ski! We will see. I have a friend who lives up there and so does Chris. So It would be great to go to this area that I have never seen and be around friends as well. Nope, not yet!
11. Buy a mountain Bike- There are alot of races and fun things to explore if I could get into this hobby. still have not done this. The kids got bikes and I hope to get one sometime but more for leisurely fun.
12. Go Kayacking- I live in AZ for goodness sake, there is so much to see and explore. Oh the aspirations I had at 29!
13. Learn what it takes to be the house that is the kid friendly house-You know what I mean, I want the kids and their friends to want to be at my house. There are multiple reasons for this. For one, I am always in contact with my kids and know what they are into, and I wish to build a relationship with my kids that is close and open. I have had a touch of this living down here. Especially before we moved to our new house. Its good but sometimes can wear you out!
14. Get a dog- I do not have any pets, my cat is now living with my parents(long story) but I wish to have a dog. I have my name on the list for a morkie(Maltese/Yorkie). Well this one did happen. I got my Morkie and his name is Mac. He is 2 years old now and lives with my mom. I miss him dearly but in all my life changes he got settled in with her and is very happy. I give him all the love I can when I visit. I have however adopted a Greyhound. Miley is a 2 year old retired racer. It was always my dream to have one but I was always concerned about size and well we never stayed in on place too long. Well with life changes came stability and I got my Grey.
15. Set up a fish tank..........again. Love this....but not sure I want anymore responsibility. Haha
16. Do a fun/run/walk/ with the kids for a good cause Last summer we did one with the kids. It was great and they loved it!
17. Sky Dive- Yes maybe someday. Not anytime soon.
18. Continue paying off Debt- including student loans Happy to report I am debt free.
19. Spend a anniversary together with my husband-This has not happened for us in 6 years! We have only been married 7! Oh lord. Again....Divorce
20. Get into the habit of a girls night out-Seriously Laura, when I get home, seriously!!! I miss you--Oh and side note to this, we are going to get tickets to see Wicked and hopefully Mama Mia again! While this has been a regular even for me in the last few years.....I miss it now. New place, still meeting people. Yada yada
21. Go on regular dates with my husband- No we have never done this. I need a babysitter! Ahhhh....Divorced....Told you these were obselete
22. Get in the car and drive somewhere for the weekend-no plans, no direction, just go! Good one.....why is this so hard to do?
23. Attend a SS retreat I did at Skyline!
24. Better yet, host a SS retreat-There is a ton of us in AZ and CA....its doable! Nope
25. See Jimmy Buffett in concert....again-Now I know technically I have already done this..3 times but it just gets better and better and I hope in the next 2 years I can do it again! Well I almost got to Gulf Shores for the benefit concert, then the date changed. blah blah blah.....I miss you Jimmy
26.Wine taste in California- I would love to go and stay at a vineyard and do this! Again.....Living in the South this is much harder to do
27. Ride a motorcycle- Yes I have done this, but it has been a really long time. Nope
28. Get another tattoo-I want one on the wrist or neck and I want it to be celtic in design I have done this! Well I got a cover up. I finally covered up the nasty moon on my shoulder and it is beautiful! I got a fleur de lis.
29. Go back to Mexico- Hopefully with someone that knows it better!- Ivan and Krysten I am counting on you guys for this. I would love to see all those things I saw pictures of! I don't really care anymore but it is also not as close anymore . Not like you can drive a few hours and be there anymore.
30. Vegas Baby!-- for more than 24 hours. This is the key factor. I got no sleep last time because we tried to squeeze it all in in such a short time frame. Also included in this trip is a shocking show(more shocking than Wayne Newton!) Damn I want to go!
So as you can see life has changed and while I still desire many of those things they were much harder to cross off when your whole life changes. I am working on a new list 32 before 32. It is going to include items that are much more attainable! Stay tuned!
Still live in AL
So I have a feeling most of these are obsolete. Thats okay. It is time to start a new list.
Original Post
30 Things before I turn 30
I will add commentary in Red!
1. Go abroad- Fall 08 I did go to Italy and it was a wonderful amazing trip! I even got to do a 6 hour whirlwind tour of London on our layover.
2. Learn the basics for said country-I tried........so tried. I did take all my Western Civ. classes last year and it was wonerful to have a visual for parts of those classes. It made the class come alive for me and only lighted the fire for me to go back!
3. Go back to school and work on finishing up my general studies- Well I can almost cross this off. After this semester I literally have about 5 classes left of general studies. I am very proud despite wanting to give up several times!
4. Catch up on all things scrapbooking-Haha! I have not touched it therefore piling up even more years to catch up on! I am looking to get in the groove, but plan a more basic approach. I have not even developed pictures in 3 years!
5. Continue my running-Well it is true that I have ran many races since I first wrote these goals but in the last year I have let it go. I still LOVE it and desire it but I have a hard time fitting it into my life which is only an excuse. I have been getting out a couple times a week here lately but I am no where near where I want to be.
6. Run a marathon- Again see #5.....The highest distance I have reached in a race is 10K
7. Work on group fitness certification-This is seperate from going back to school. This is still a goal, but I am trying to concentrate on my degree now. I guess I underestimated my superhero abilities.
8. Take my husband to Half Moon Bay, CA- He has never seen this beautiful place and I wish to take him there and drive down Hwy 1, hopefully in the fall. Stop at the little pumpkin festivals along the way, taking our time and enjoying all that this route has to offer.Well I guess we can drop this off.....Don't live on the West side anymore and not married.
9. Go to San Franciso-This could technically be done on the same trip as Half Moon Bay, but who knows, I love California so much I may want to break up the trips. Same see #8
10. Visit Big Sky Country- Maybe even ski! We will see. I have a friend who lives up there and so does Chris. So It would be great to go to this area that I have never seen and be around friends as well. Nope, not yet!
11. Buy a mountain Bike- There are alot of races and fun things to explore if I could get into this hobby. still have not done this. The kids got bikes and I hope to get one sometime but more for leisurely fun.
12. Go Kayacking- I live in AZ for goodness sake, there is so much to see and explore. Oh the aspirations I had at 29!
13. Learn what it takes to be the house that is the kid friendly house-You know what I mean, I want the kids and their friends to want to be at my house. There are multiple reasons for this. For one, I am always in contact with my kids and know what they are into, and I wish to build a relationship with my kids that is close and open. I have had a touch of this living down here. Especially before we moved to our new house. Its good but sometimes can wear you out!
14. Get a dog- I do not have any pets, my cat is now living with my parents(long story) but I wish to have a dog. I have my name on the list for a morkie(Maltese/Yorkie). Well this one did happen. I got my Morkie and his name is Mac. He is 2 years old now and lives with my mom. I miss him dearly but in all my life changes he got settled in with her and is very happy. I give him all the love I can when I visit. I have however adopted a Greyhound. Miley is a 2 year old retired racer. It was always my dream to have one but I was always concerned about size and well we never stayed in on place too long. Well with life changes came stability and I got my Grey.
15. Set up a fish tank..........again. Love this....but not sure I want anymore responsibility. Haha
16. Do a fun/run/walk/ with the kids for a good cause Last summer we did one with the kids. It was great and they loved it!
17. Sky Dive- Yes maybe someday. Not anytime soon.
18. Continue paying off Debt- including student loans Happy to report I am debt free.
19. Spend a anniversary together with my husband-This has not happened for us in 6 years! We have only been married 7! Oh lord. Again....Divorce
20. Get into the habit of a girls night out-Seriously Laura, when I get home, seriously!!! I miss you--Oh and side note to this, we are going to get tickets to see Wicked and hopefully Mama Mia again! While this has been a regular even for me in the last few years.....I miss it now. New place, still meeting people. Yada yada
21. Go on regular dates with my husband- No we have never done this. I need a babysitter! Ahhhh....Divorced....Told you these were obselete
22. Get in the car and drive somewhere for the weekend-no plans, no direction, just go! Good one.....why is this so hard to do?
23. Attend a SS retreat I did at Skyline!
24. Better yet, host a SS retreat-There is a ton of us in AZ and CA....its doable! Nope
25. See Jimmy Buffett in concert....again-Now I know technically I have already done this..3 times but it just gets better and better and I hope in the next 2 years I can do it again! Well I almost got to Gulf Shores for the benefit concert, then the date changed. blah blah blah.....I miss you Jimmy
26.Wine taste in California- I would love to go and stay at a vineyard and do this! Again.....Living in the South this is much harder to do
27. Ride a motorcycle- Yes I have done this, but it has been a really long time. Nope
28. Get another tattoo-I want one on the wrist or neck and I want it to be celtic in design I have done this! Well I got a cover up. I finally covered up the nasty moon on my shoulder and it is beautiful! I got a fleur de lis.
29. Go back to Mexico- Hopefully with someone that knows it better!- Ivan and Krysten I am counting on you guys for this. I would love to see all those things I saw pictures of! I don't really care anymore but it is also not as close anymore . Not like you can drive a few hours and be there anymore.
30. Vegas Baby!-- for more than 24 hours. This is the key factor. I got no sleep last time because we tried to squeeze it all in in such a short time frame. Also included in this trip is a shocking show(more shocking than Wayne Newton!) Damn I want to go!
So as you can see life has changed and while I still desire many of those things they were much harder to cross off when your whole life changes. I am working on a new list 32 before 32. It is going to include items that are much more attainable! Stay tuned!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Catch up
Ive been a bad blogger. Blame it on Verizon. I thought my internet problem was fixed. Wrong. I do think it is fixed now. 350.00 later. Got set up with a have phone company and wireless router. It is fixed......well as fixed as it is ever going to be living here in the sticks! I mean fabulous country. At least I can actually see pictures and such in my google reader now. My google reader that I neglected. I have slowly been making my way through it and realizing very quickly I have filled it with blogs I am uninterested in and don't read. No offense people but we all know that it happens. Here lately my interests have been running more towards blogs with home design, holidays, and greyhounds. Some I am slowly cleaning up the reader and trying to take time to visit the blogs I love. Which was almost impossible before we my connection.
There has not been alot of internet time lately anyway. We are in the 3rd week of school (gasp) and I am starting my first full week of classes this week. I had 2 days last week but diving in head first this week. I hate the feeling of being overwhelmed that I always get with school. I am still on fire about school and really happy with the progress I have made but still there are days I think how will I make it through. Also I am not totally thrilled with my options here at the community college. I have enough to keep me occupied for now but know soon I will need to travel further to a college that offers more. This semester I am right on target with a few classes I have procrastinated to take. 1 math class, Biology, Literature, and yuck yuck yuck Speech. I have dreaded this class since I was 18. Now at 30 it is not any easier. Except for being one of the oldest in the class. I am hoping experience will help me out. Biology I love and I have taken this class before. The school has decided that I needed to take it again because it had been 10 years and it did not transfer. * I litterally banged my head against my advisors desk* Okay, I can get down with that. I am happy to report I am in my last literature class of my college career.....Thank you Lord! I love literature and I love to read what I hate is all the reports and papers for said peices of literature. Now Speech is a whole other ballgame. This week I am required to give a 2 minute speech about ME. Okay. I tremble at the thought.....and this is just a little speech. I am happy to report that all the kids in the class look just as scared as I did and a few said as they were leaving the class " What am I going to say about myself ,what have I done, I am only 18".......I have time on my side here. I have plenty that I know about myself. I just do not want to speak!
But I digress...
In other news Its my bday this week. Wednesday I turn 3 and 1. I really don't get the bday thing anymore. Unless someone could make it go in reverse.
I will be back, I will keep up better. Really I do miss it. Blogging. I got to bitch somewhere about my Speech class. I might even show off my supercool cupcakes I want to try for my bday.
Then its diet people. Diet. I can't take this down home, southen, got to have bread with every meat and potatoe meal........I got to give it up. I would greatly appreciate if someone in the nearby vicinity would bring in a Whole Foods, Greenlife or Sprouts.......Anyone? It will never fly.
There has not been alot of internet time lately anyway. We are in the 3rd week of school (gasp) and I am starting my first full week of classes this week. I had 2 days last week but diving in head first this week. I hate the feeling of being overwhelmed that I always get with school. I am still on fire about school and really happy with the progress I have made but still there are days I think how will I make it through. Also I am not totally thrilled with my options here at the community college. I have enough to keep me occupied for now but know soon I will need to travel further to a college that offers more. This semester I am right on target with a few classes I have procrastinated to take. 1 math class, Biology, Literature, and yuck yuck yuck Speech. I have dreaded this class since I was 18. Now at 30 it is not any easier. Except for being one of the oldest in the class. I am hoping experience will help me out. Biology I love and I have taken this class before. The school has decided that I needed to take it again because it had been 10 years and it did not transfer. * I litterally banged my head against my advisors desk* Okay, I can get down with that. I am happy to report I am in my last literature class of my college career.....Thank you Lord! I love literature and I love to read what I hate is all the reports and papers for said peices of literature. Now Speech is a whole other ballgame. This week I am required to give a 2 minute speech about ME. Okay. I tremble at the thought.....and this is just a little speech. I am happy to report that all the kids in the class look just as scared as I did and a few said as they were leaving the class " What am I going to say about myself ,what have I done, I am only 18".......I have time on my side here. I have plenty that I know about myself. I just do not want to speak!
But I digress...
In other news Its my bday this week. Wednesday I turn 3 and 1. I really don't get the bday thing anymore. Unless someone could make it go in reverse.
I will be back, I will keep up better. Really I do miss it. Blogging. I got to bitch somewhere about my Speech class. I might even show off my supercool cupcakes I want to try for my bday.
Then its diet people. Diet. I can't take this down home, southen, got to have bread with every meat and potatoe meal........I got to give it up. I would greatly appreciate if someone in the nearby vicinity would bring in a Whole Foods, Greenlife or Sprouts.......Anyone? It will never fly.
Monday, August 16, 2010
I don't think I care to come up with anymore clever titles for my posts anymore. Not sure why.
Could possibly be because all I seem to do is "catch up" when I do post....mostly because I have to reconnect to the internet every few minutes.
Today is the anniversary of Elvis' death. 8/16/1977. So in honor of the King I thought I would list my
"top 5" favorite songs of all time from Elvis.
1. Devil in Disguise
2. Suspicious Minds
3. Fools Rush In
4. Amazing Grace
5. In the Ghetto.....which is quite surprising because I never used to like this song....but damn I do now. Even though I struggle to get Carmen's voice (from South Park)
Ever since I have been painting the house I have been listening to my deluxe Elvis disk on my handy cd player that hangs under the cabinet in the kitchen. A CD player that I initially thought I would remove from the cabinet. Yet I have used the cd player so much I think it is staying. Anyway.....I have gotten the kitchen painted. Check out my before and after.
Before: Please excuse my awful pictures.
Could possibly be because all I seem to do is "catch up" when I do post....mostly because I have to reconnect to the internet every few minutes.
Today is the anniversary of Elvis' death. 8/16/1977. So in honor of the King I thought I would list my
"top 5" favorite songs of all time from Elvis.
1. Devil in Disguise
2. Suspicious Minds
3. Fools Rush In
4. Amazing Grace
5. In the Ghetto.....which is quite surprising because I never used to like this song....but damn I do now. Even though I struggle to get Carmen's voice (from South Park)
Ever since I have been painting the house I have been listening to my deluxe Elvis disk on my handy cd player that hangs under the cabinet in the kitchen. A CD player that I initially thought I would remove from the cabinet. Yet I have used the cd player so much I think it is staying. Anyway.....I have gotten the kitchen painted. Check out my before and after.
Before: Please excuse my awful pictures.
This 1st one is really dark.
This is all just paint. J and I have talked about new counter tops, painting cabinets, faucets blah blah blah.....
Right now I am just handling the paint.
Again horrible pictures. I am not sure what is with my camera indoors.
Oh and what is the big black square on my wall?
I am pretty excited about it. I have seen it before on tons of websites/magazines....and I thought I would go for it. I am waiting another 10 hours or so to write on it....and I am not exactly sure what I will write.
Calendar? Menu? Quote? Let the kids go wild?
Who knows but I absoltely love the boldness of it when you walk in.
P.S. Anyone have a problem making a house a home?
Does that question make sense?
I have a house.......kind of an empty shell......its not comfortable yet. Not cozy. Not home.
I am ok with this....sorta.
I have commitment issues.. and I am not the only one. Thank you very much.
I am relationship challenged.
Not to quote Meridith Grey but I am scary and damaged or is it dark and twisty?
J and I do not have stuff. We don't have years together where you collect stuff. You know stuff that you decorate or place in your home. What we have is a house.
Hell who am I kidding we went couch shopping and can not even commit to a couch. So we have a living room. One I spent a week painting with no furniture in it. So we do not spend any time in there. Its a shame and actually becoming quite the joke.
Don't get me wrong ....I am not angry. I am not upset really.
I have commitment issues. Quite possibly domestically challenged.
From Psychologist point of view......and I am not a psychologist .......I would say that my failure to decorate the house, put any furniture in the house, hang a picture......shows my fear of committing to the house, the relationship.....uh anything. So J called me on it. He flat out called me out. I did not even realize it until he brought it up. Which kind of stung a bit. Who am I kidding it stung alot.
So today I hung a picture. I actually put a nail in the wall.
I committed.
I couldnt commit to a rug today for the kitchen. I just couldnt do it.
Baby Steps People
Don't worry I can laugh at myself.
Friday, August 13, 2010
1 week of school down. Well almost. This has been one long exhausting week. The kids and I are all cranky. Lack of sleep. Long days. My youngest has declared she does not want to go back. I don't blame her. The boys are doing well.......albeit realizing that "hey I am in a bigger grade this year" and "I might have to put some effort into it."
I am still so very thrilled about school uniforms............That was a total lie.
okay, so this is a short post.
I am tired, I have had less sleep than needed in the last two days.
K has been sleepwalking and the other night she walked straight to the back door and clicked the deadbolt and if I had not caught her would have been outside.
Clearly I did not sleep well after that. In fact I went and slept with her. Last night I was just overly tired from the previous night and therefore was awake until 12. Alarm went off at 3:30 where I promptly let myself out on the back door to watch the meteor shower only to be completly dissapointed because of the clouds. Darn tropical depression. I was really excited for this shower. It was supposed to be the peak. 60 per minute. Alas.....not a one did I get to see.
Anyway my point is I am tired.
I am still MIA alot around here. I think a actual land line is my only hope.
My school starts soon. I will be glad to have a routine of my own.
Everyone around here seems to have one....but me.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
My babies are home.
They were gone for a long weekend with their dad.
I picked them up early this morning.
This one is a little under the weather.
Me too. I have a bad cold..
So we are hanging in bed.
Ok... she has me a little worried.......sleeping for close to 4 hours now.
She told me her tummy and head hurt.
Of course she ate a cheese pizza.....and said she had a bunch of cheese and milk.
Eh hem.......she is lactose intolerant. Which gives her incredible acid reflux pain. blah. blah. blah.
Come on dad! Give me a break
Anyway......we are laying in bed.
As if we didnt have an excuse anyway. It is pouring.
I feel that it is perfectly exceptable to come up with excuses to lay in bed all day.
For instance:
Im sick
Its raining
Its too hot outside
Its Friday....or Monday
New book
New magazine
No school
Seriously Im kidding. sorta.
I usually have very busy days.
Just not this summer.
This summer has been lazy.
I am totally ready to be slightly busier.
Remember I said that....
I will bitching in a few weeks about how there is no time!
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Its slipping away........
I feel it slipping away.
Its been a long summer ........but it went by fast.
The summer started off quite busy. It seemed there was always something going on. Soon though summer faded into long days that my kids would describe as boring.
It has been so HOT.....and I have definetly not adjusted to the humidity.....still I will miss Summer.
I will miss
lazy days with simple enjoyments
new adventures
impromptu days
and hot summer nights
Still there are things to look forward to. August is still here which means Summer is still around. School is starting. This year we have a 6th, 4th, and 1st grader. I am starting another year of college as well. This year will be interesting as I am unable to take online. So its brick and mortar for me.
And then there will be fall. Which I can totally look forward to. Especially October. Love October. Love Halloween. I am already planning K's costume. I am thinking the boys are going to be too old.....
So today I am following along.....Its been awhile.
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