
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Blog Challenge: What is in your purse?

I carry a small black purse. It has a silver belt buckle for the handle. The zipper tag says SELF. That is because I got it when I subscribed to SELF Magazine. This has been a couple of years ago, and all though I did not hang on to any of the advice from that magazine, I hung on to the purse. Its just a cute little black purse. Goes with everything. I can dress up or down with it. I do admit that I change purses quite frequently. It is probably my favorite accessory. I have a black SAK, a small brown and pink bag, a big hippie over the shoulder tie dye number, a big pink bag with a B on it, and I am sure others that have been lost in the darkness of my closet. But the black purse is the one I use the most.

What is inside this bag? Lets see.

Red paisley wallet( Its so pretty!) I went back to get the purse that matched this wallet, but they were all sold.

Pink check book

Pink change bag with a B on it. This change purse goes with the B purse I mentioned. I quit wearing the purse because I had a couple of comments about why I had a Barbie purse.

Thera tears eye drops- I had Lasik Surgery last year and I always get dry eyes. Come to think of it I was looking for eye drops last night!

Empty Lemon Sucker wrapper my daughter got from the bank last week.

Her carebear sticker she got at the doctor on Friday. The sticker is stuck to a idea sheet from Joanns. You know those free sheets that hang on the shelf. Well there was a really cute idea about making a purse from scrapbook paper. She stuck her sticker to it.

A few of my new business cards

Mary-kate and ashley lip gloss collection. Don't laugh- I liked the colors.

A magnet business card for the pediatrician. I am taking this out right now and putting it on the fridge.

An old grocery list of the best deals in town and what coupons I have for each product. This has become a habit. I do not do coupon sense anymore, I just figure it out for myself. Which leads to alot of lists. Then again I am a list kind of girl.

Walmart reciept(48.07), Post office reciept(6.08)- I sent something to someone on Scrapshare

paper clip
A coupon for a 1.50 of popsicles
A sticky note of the things I needed at walmart(the reciept mentioned above)

And that is what is inside. I have always heard that you can tell a person by whats in their trash but I never thought about a purse. When I look at the list of items, I see a reflection of my life. I picture events in my life or daily activities I did with my loved ones. Nothing remarkable to anyone but me!

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