So here I go.....
I was listening to the news this morning while taking the kids to school. It was interesting to hear the dj's talk about this law that Arizona is passing.
Here is the law: Click me!
Basically here it is........ This is the United States. Are you a legal citizen? Do you have proof of your citizenship?
Yes---Great, Welcome
No---- Get out!
Seems pretty simple to me.
If you would like to become a citizen of the United States......go through the proper channels, fill out the proper paperwork, wait your turn and when and if you are granted citizenship you may live here. Got it?
Why oh why are we having protests over this? When a U.S. citizen goes to another country are they not given limited access? Are they not made to follow the rules of that country in which they are in?
The answer is yes.
So why are we so lenient in this country? Why do we do nothing about the thousands of illegals living in this country, working our jobs, not paying taxes, not adhering to laws,refusing to learn the language and causing taxpayers money?
I for one stand up and applaud the state of Arizona. About Damn Time!
Is it not crazy that the ones that are protesting are the illegals? This makes no sense and takes away alot of pride I have in this country for allowing this.
Yes, you have Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, to assemble, and to petition! It is given in the 1st ammendment of the Constitution!
But guess what the first words of the Constitution are!!!!!!!
So Arizona is stepping up to the plate and I am glad. I am from the great state of Arizona and I have seen the massive amounts of illegals living in that state.
There are so many things wrong in this country and it is frustrating. Apparently the illegals are frustrated as well and not going to stand for it! Yeah, well how dare we! I mean god forbid we make them follow the rules......don't get me started in how Americans can be treated in their country! Break the law there and you may not make it out! But they are frustrated with us?
Stand up American, stand up people and fight for your country. Fight for the future and the generations to come!
Soapbox over.....I am climbing down.
Okay, I am back
but just for a few ammendments to my earlier post.
Thought alot about what I said and thought alot about what a blogger friend commented on.
I do understand that there are protesters out there protesting the rights to humanity. They are protesting the rights for people to live without being pushed into a profile because of the color of their skin. I agree that this is wrong and there should definetly be some boundaries. This country is made up of people from all walks of life, color , race, religion. That is what makes us a unique, diverse country. This is a good thing. There should be some boundaries to this law.....with that being said I do believe we need to get strict.
I do understand that there are protesters out there protesting the rights to humanity. They are protesting the rights for people to live without being pushed into a profile because of the color of their skin. I agree that this is wrong and there should definetly be some boundaries. This country is made up of people from all walks of life, color , race, religion. That is what makes us a unique, diverse country. This is a good thing. There should be some boundaries to this law.....with that being said I do believe we need to get strict.